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Important Rules

At Book N Order, we pride ourselves on being a high-quality delivery service. To achieve this, certain ground rules must be followed. Take the time to read the rules below and ensure you understand them.

Breaking The Rules?

Not everything is within your control and we completely understand that. Wilfully neglecting the rules below is something we do not tolerate. We will always attempt to contact you to discuss any issues. Sometimes we may issue you a warning but in rare situations, we may block your account


General Rules

  • Never do more than one delivery at a time
  • Never deliver for another company while actively doing one of our deliveries
  • Never cancel a delivery after accepting it except in emergencies
  • Always be honest and own up to any mistakes that happen
  • Always be polite to staff and customers
  • Always keep the customer and delivery manager updated via text or phone call if there are any delays or issues
  • Your driver account cannot be used by anyone other than yourself

Picking Up Food From Restaurants

  • Arrive early to avoid unexpected issues that can cause delays
  • Let the restaurant staff know that you are here to collect a delivery and tell them the order number
  • Food must always be put straight into your insulated delivery bag before leaving the restaurant
  • Food must always be given to you by restaurant staff, you should not be taking any items yourself

Delivering Food To Customers

  • Follow the correct delivery scenario as listed on the next page
  • Customers should always collect their food directly from your insulated bag
  • Always double check you are at the correct delivery address, call the customer if you have any doubts
  • Read and make sure you understand any delivery notes left by the customer

General Rules

Double Deliveries

Under no circumstances can you collect multiple orders and do multiple deliveries at the same time unless explicitly instructed by our delivery managers. Customers do not want to see their driver going in the other direction with their food while it gets cold and soggy. Anyone caught doing this will be blocked.

Delivering For Other Companies

It's perfectly fine to do deliveries for other companies alongside Book N Order. However, you should never do a delivery for us while doing one for another company at the same time. When online, our staff can track your location and see if you are collecting food from other restaurants and dropping them off at other houses in between your delivery with us. Anyone caught doing this will be blocked.

Being Honest

People make mistakes and that's fine, not everyone is perfect. But you must own up to your mistakes and come clean. Attempting to hide or mislead our staff about issues that have occurred is something we do not tolerate. If you are honest, at least we can usually fix any issues that happen. However, if you mislead us, often the situation gets worse as we do not have the full picture of what's happening. Dishonesty is not tolerated and you will be blocked.

Never Be Rude To Staff Or Customers

Always maintain a professional and friendly attitude with restaurant staff and customers. We do not tolerate drivers being rude to anyone including other drivers. If you see this occurring, please report such incidents to us.

No Delivery Cancellations

Once you accept a delivery, you must complete it. The only time you can cancel a job after accepting it is in exceptional circumstances such as personal emergencies. If this does occur, you must contact the delivery manager immediately to notify them. Never accept a job if you are unsure if you want to do it.

Keeping The Delivery Manager Updated

Many things occur which are important for us to know. This is why you must communicate with our managers to ensure they understand the situation. For example, if a restaurant is delayed significantly, please don't hesitate to contact our managers and let them know.

Keeping The Customer Updated

Customers get irritated if no one communicates issues with them. Even a simple text message letting them know a restaurant is delayed can be the difference between an unhappy and happy customer. Always keep your customers in the loop via text message or phone call.

No Account Sharing

Your driver account cannot be used by anyone other than yourself. Customers and restaurants must be able to identify the driver and the vehicle they are using

Picking Up Food From Restaurants

Be Punctual To Deliveries

Food can get cold and soggy if left sitting around. That's why you must arrive early to avoid any unnecessary delays. If drivers start arriving late, the restaurants also stop being punctual. This in turn upsets other drivers who also start coming late causing a never-ending cycle. As such it's important you are always punctual and on time.

Notify Staff Of Your Arrival

As soon as you arrive, it's important to let the staff know that you are there to collect a delivery. You should tell them the order number listed on the delivery details page

Use Your Insulated Delivery Bag

When collecting food from restaurants, always carry your insulated bag inside with you. Once you collect the food, it must go straight into your insulated bag. Food can never leave the restaurant unless it is in an insulated bag.

Food Must Be Given To You By Staff

When collecting food or items, they must be given to you from the restaurant staff. You are not to collect it yourself. This avoids issues where restaurants blame drivers for not collecting all the items from an order. It's best to allow restaurant staff to place all items directly into your delivery bag.

Delivering Food To Customers

Follow The Correct Delivery Scenario

Certain customers may request no contact delivery or you may encounter a specific situation that should be handled accordingly. If you are unsure, you can always contact your delivery manager.

Let The Customer Take Food From Your Bag

You should always let customers collect food directly from your insulated bag. For no contact deliveries, leave your bag in a safe spot and wait for the customer to take it out. Otherwise, hold your bag open for the customer to collect their food.

Ensure You Are At The Right Address

Take your time to confirm that you are delivering food to the right location. This means checking the letterbox for residential homes and ensuring the correct unit when there are multiple homes on the same house number. If you are unsure, always contact and call the customer first. Do not just hand the food over to anyone when uncertain. You can always say "Hi, I'm here for a delivery, can you please confirm your name for the order?". This way you can be certain that you are at the right place if the customer says the name on the order.

Checking The Delivery Notes

Customers may leave specific instructions on the delivery notes. This can be vital to doing a delivery successfully. Always read the notes and call the customer if you are in doubt.