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Doing Deliveries

Learning to use the app is just the first step, you must also know how to interact with restaurants and customers to get the job done well.

Delivery Process

Driving To Restaurant

  1. Check the pickup time on the delivery so you know when you need to be there. Keep in mind some deliveries may not be due for immediate collection
  2. Leave at an appropriate time so you can arrive early to avoid unexpected delays
  3. Use the navigation button in-app so you go to the correct location. Some restaurants have multiple branches and it's easy to accidentally go to the wrong branch if you do not use the navigation button
  4. Once you are leaving, swipe the button inside the delivery detail screen to notify us that you are on the way

Arrived At Restaurant

  1. When you arrive, swipe the bottom button in the app to notify us that you have arrived
  2. Take your insulated delivery bag with you when going into the restaurant
  3. Once inside, notify the staff that you are there to collect a delivery order. Let them know the order number so they can identify which order to give you
  4. When collecting the food, make sure it is placed straight into your insulated delivery bag. Restaurant staff must either hand you the food or place it directly into your bag. Food must never leave the restaurant without being inside your delivery bag

Driving To Customer

  1. Before driving, swipe the bottom button in app to notify the customer and delivery manager that you are leaving the restaurant
  2. Secure insulated food bag so it doesn't shake causing food damage or spills
  3. Use the navigation button in-app to find your way to the customer's address
  4. When driving, obey the rules and do not make drastic turns or maneuvers that may cause the food to be damaged

Arrived At Customer

  1. Confirm that you are at the correct address. Check the letterbox and unit/building number if available. If uncertain, call the customer or contact us
  2. Take your insulated delivery bag out with you, do not remove the food from the bag
  3. Notify the customer of your arrival. For no-contact deliveries, ideally, call the customer
  4. If handing the food drirectly to the customer, never hand the food before confirming the customers name. This way you avoid giving the food to the wrong person. You can say "Hello, I'm here for a delivery, can you confirm your name?"
  5. Let the customer collect their order directly from your delivery bag, do not take it out yourself and hand it to them
  6. Wish the customer well and you can then leave. Don't forget to swipe the bottom button again to indicate you have completed the delivery

Delivery Types

Standard Delivery

In a standard delivery, the customer will be collecting their food from your delivery bag while you hold it open for them.

No Contact Delivery

For no contact deliveries, you must open your delivery bag and place it on a reasonable surface. Move back so you are at least 3-4 meters away from the bag. Let the customer come and collect their food directly from your delivery bag. Once they have done so, you may collect your bag and carry on.

Un-attended Delivery

Some customers may not be present at the time of delivery. They may tell you in the delivery notes to leave the food at a specific location. When this is done, you should take a photo of the location where you left the food. Take extra care that you are at the right address and the food is not within reach of animals. Make sure to inform the customer that the food has been put where they asked via phone or message.

Delivery Situations

Restaurant Delays

  1. Find out roughly how much longer it will take for your order to be ready
  2. Let your delivery manager know about the delay
  3. Send the customer an SMS notifying them that the restaurant is late

Can't Contact Customer

  1. Make sure you have tried to make contact by phone call and SMS
  2. Notify the driver manager about this issue
  3. Wait at least 5 minutes for the customer to respond
  4. If you do not receive a response, you may leave the food in a safe location ensuring it is not accessible by the public or animals
  5. Take a photo fo where you left the food before departing
  6. Send the customer a message informing thme where the food was left

Can't Find Customer's Address

  1. Contact the customer directly and ask them where you should go
  2. If you can't contact the customer, notify your delivery manager

Vehicle Broken Down

  1. Notify your delivery manager immediately
  2. If you have food on board someone may have to come to collect it from you

Delivered Food To The Wrong Address

  1. This should never happen if you are checking things as you go
  2. In the event it does happen, notify your delivery manager ASAP and we will tell you what to do

Forgot To Deliver All The Items

  1. If you have left some items in your vehicle, go back to the customer immediately and drop them off
  2. If it has been a notable amount of time since the delivery and the items are no longer of a suitable standard, contact your delivery manager

Restaurant Did Not Provide All Items

  1. Notify your delivery manager and we will handle the situation